Exercises & workouts

Prone to pushup to tuck lean
Reverse plank
Diamond pushups
Band assisted knee raise into bar muscle-up
1 1/2 pull-ups
Hanging oblique raises
Hanging scapula shrugs
Supinated ring pull-up
Handstand pushup 3cm
Plank shoulder taps elevated
Arnold Ring Row
Muscle-up from box without false grip
Shrimp Squat
Negative pushup on box
Jack knifes
Bar muscle-up band assisted 23kg band (blue)
Kip Swing
Banded sissy squat
Dual DB Hollow Flutter Kicks
Ring Row wide position
Handstand marching
Leg raises with lat activation
Banded kipping pull-up 7kg
Bulgarian Ring Row
Handstand single leg kickups no balance
PVC Banded Front Lever Pull Down Holds
Band assisted pull-up 2 x blue
Strict handstand pushup 5cm