Hip airplane

Kategori: Mobility


Assume a single leg stance. Lock your ribcage down by bracing your core.
Spread your arms out to the side and rotate your torso forward over your stance leg while kicking your back leg behind you. Keep your trail leg completely straight and your stance leg knee locked in a slightly bent position. Imagine that your body is a teeter-totter or seesaw. Draw a line from your shoulder through your hip down to your knee/ankle. Keep this line straight throughout the Superman exercise. If you are familiar with a wide range of weight training movements, this will be similar to the single leg roman deadlift or RDL.
Once you have gone as far forward as possible without losing balance, hold that position for 10 seconds before returning back to a standing position. Make sure your heel is jammed into the ground and you are gripping the ground with your toes. The end goal with this movement is to be able to balance with your chest completely parallel to the floor for the full 10 seconds. If you are doing this correctly, you should feel some tension in your upper hamstrings and the glutes of your stance leg.