Superset or not

Should I superset my exercises?


A superset or giantset is when we do multiple exercises in the same set-window.



A new set every 4 minutes of

A1: Bulgarian Split Squat 8 reps

A2: Chin-ups max-reps

For 4-5 sets


The answer to the headline is: It depends! Hah, the favorite coach-reply right?


Let’s break it down.



  • Time efficiency: Supersets allow you to complete more exercises in less time by minimizing rest periods.

  • Increased metabolic rate: The intense nature of supersets can lead to a higher calorie burn and improved fat loss.

  • Muscle fatigue: Supersets can effectively fatigue muscles, potentially leading to greater hypertrophy (muscle growth).



  • Reduced strength output: Performing exercises back-to-back may decrease the weight you can lift, potentially limiting strength gains.

  • Less specific adaptation: Supersets may not be ideal for sports-specific training or when focusing on maximum strength development in a particular movement.


So in general in Relentless we strive to make the first exercise of the day as a single non superset exercise to make sure that we give the desired strength output for the session. For example, I do not like to superset Back Squats and Deadlifts with other exercises. They require all of your CNS.


Performance vs Hypertrophy

Using the Bodybuilding and powerlifting programs as example here.


A difference between the Powerlifting and Bodybuilding program is  that Powerlifting always wants to improve performance whether in Bodybuilding we focus on hypertrophy. Therefore it makes more sense to program supersets in Bodybuilding with back to back fatiguing movements whereas i Powerlifting we want to make sure we can lift as much weight as possible per block of movements.




Be mindful about your goals and choose the right program for them. We have it covered for you!


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