Interference training

If you have been training for the Open for a few years you might have realized that the tests are not always “good” in the sense that the movements are in conflict with eachother impacting the performance.

That is the sole purpose of such programming and you need to train for those occasions to get better at it. A great example is Open 21.1 with Double Unders and Wall walks. Those two movements together will totally crush your shoulders.

We have just released “Upper body push interference” which will challenge your pushing movement pattern. For instance

Pushups prior to muscle-ups then Bike-erg as “recovery”. Or a. mix of burpees and muscle-ups.

There are a few patterns that we have seen been repeated over and over and we will release each in a short time.

Some example of interference we will handle soon.

– Midline e.g. Wall balls before toes to bar or V-ups before bar muscle-ups.

– Grip e.g. Box Step overs prior to Rope climbs

– Pull e.g. Power cleans into Pull-ups 








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