Not everyone wants to develop advanced gymnastics or perform weightlifting movements. What if we could reap all the benefits from classic high-intensity metabolic conditioning without doing all the advanced stuff? What if you don’t have the time to perform a 30 min mobility routine to be able to Snatch properly?
We get it. You want to get a strong and conditioned body as efficiently as possible and probably not compete in the sport of fitness which requires Olympic weightlifting and gymnastics.
General Physical Preparation “GPP”
All sports enthusiasts know what GPP stands for. A GPP program focuses on athletism. Making you faster, stronger, and more conditioned.
Perform the core movement patterns squat, pull, press, and pull to develop a strong functional body. Combining strength with conditioning circuits to get that work capacity to support your busy life or to get some healthy endorphins.
Barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, and your own body are heavily used in this program, Of course, Rowing, Running and Biking are pillars of the conditioning pieces in a combination of mixed modality condition circuits.
Every session is smart, and the loading is calculated on how much you actually train, your readiness, and your goals.
We will optimize the training stimuli based on your allotted time. The trainer gets smarter and smarter every session, and after a few weeks, it will know your training patterns.
You may, of course, change the training program with just a click in the settings.
Get fitter with Relentless Trainer!